Tuesday, 5 May 2020


Here is my work for my activity. push this link to see what I have to do.

Here is my work.


1. Jane Addams, Charles J, Hull, Helen Culver, Ellen Gates Starr.
2. 'Nice, brave' , kind and pretty(Janes Addams)
3.To handle her dad's death.
4. Jane moved in on September 18th, 1889, by 1907, the Hull house had built into 13 buildings.
5. The neighbourhood that she is in used to be a nasty and troublesome neighborhood but then when Jane built the Hull house that neighbourhood into a 'strong and good' community.


  1. Tēnā koe e Dayna,

    Koia kei a koe!
    Absolutely Great!

    Ngā āhuatanga e rata ana ki awau;
    1. I whakamahi koe i ngā kārawarawa, pērā ki ngā ira piko hei tohu i wehe koe i ngā tūemi, pū matua mō ngā tūmoko, pakini hei tohu i te kokoraho ki tētahi āhuatanga
    2. I whakamahi koe i ētahi kupu 'Anana' hei whakaahuatia i tētāhi kaupapa, pērā ki te '...nasty and troublesome neighbourhood...', i pupū ake te pikitia o taua hapori i te wā i pānui koe i te rerenga

    Things I enjoyed;
    1. You've used punctuation, such as, comma's to separate items (Nice, brave, kind...), capital letters for proper nouns (Jane Addams, Hull house, September), apostrophe to show ownership to something (... dad's death.)
    2. You've used 'Wow' words to describe a subject '...nasty and troublesome neighbourhood...', it creates a picture of the neighbourhood when you read it

    Ngā āhuatanga māhau hei tiro anō;
    1. Tāpirihia te ira piko whai muri i te 'e' o 'brave,' katahi ka waiho i tētahi āputa ki waenga i te kupu 'brave,' me te 'kind'. Anō hoki ki waenga i te 'strong' me te 'good'
    2. Tāpirihia te kupu 'been' ki waenga i te 'had' me te 'built'
    3. Tāpirihia te 'u' ki waenga i te 'o' me te 'r' o 'neighbourhood
    4. Tangohia te pakini me te 's' mai i te kupu 'Jane's' me te kupu 'Gate's'

    Things for you to look again at;
    1. Add a comma after the 'e' of 'brave,' then leave a gap/space between 'brave,' and 'kind'. Again, add an apostrophe between 'strong,' and 'good'
    2. Add the word 'been' between 'had' and 'built'
    3. Add an 'u' between 'o' and 'r' of 'neighbourhood'
    4. Take away the apostrophe and 's' from 'Jane's' and 'Gate's'

  2. Tēnā anō koe e Dayna,

    Ko te tūmanako i pānui koe i te tākupu mai i a kōkā Maria, tautoko ana e au ki ōnā kōrero māhau, tau kē āu mahi, he kaitoi tau kē hoki

    I hope you've read kōkā Maria's comment, I support her comments about you, you've produced fantastic mahi, a fantastic artist.

    Kei te whakatikahia e au i taku whakairi, pēnei kē...
    Things for you to look again at;
    1. Add a comma after the 'e' of 'brave,' then leave a gap/space between 'brave,' and 'kind'. Again, add a COMMA between 'strong,' and 'good'

    I'm correcting what I posted...
    Things for you to look again at;
    1. Add a comma after the 'e' of 'brave,' then leave a gap/space between 'brave,' and 'kind'. Again, add a COMMA between 'strong,' and 'good'


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.
Positive - something done well
Thoughtful - a sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
Helpful - give some ideas for next time or ask a question you want to know more about

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