Here is my work that I did!
On a wood that could sink! " Spspssh"
Last Monday on a Sunny morning.
My crazy friends and I who were basically trying to fall off."Haha!"
On the way to School "Splish, Splash, SPOOSH!"
To have a Student Leader meeting! "Only Student member's only"
Tēnā koe Dayna,
ReplyDeleteTāu kaha ki te whakamahi i ngā mahi 'Ako i te Kāenga' - Kei whea mai.
Your fantastic work ethic to get on with your 'Learning at Home mahi is outstanding.
Ko ngā āhuatanga e rata ana ki awau;
1. I whakamahi koe i ngā mea hei kapo i te kaipānui
2. Kei te whakawhānui koe i tāu hanga rerenga kōrero
I enjoyed;
1. You're using the 'Hook the reader' section
2. You're elaborating more in your sentences
Ngā āhuatanga māhau hei tiro anō;
1. Pū iti te 'S' o 'sunny', he tūāhua tēnei
2. Tuhia te katoa o ngā 5Ws, hei kowae, me kōtui, anei he tauira, "Brrr", on a blistering cold Wednesday, on a log that was gliding 'swish, swish' on the river, my curious family & I "I wonder how well we'll go with our veges?" were gently rowing our way to the busy market to sell our homegrown vegetables to the massive crowd that gathered there.
Things for you to look again at;
1. Lower case 'S' for 'sunny' as it's an adjective (describes a noun)
2. Write all your 5Ws as a paragraph, put it together, a suggested example, "Brrr", on a blistering cold Wednesday, on a log that was gliding 'swish, swish' on the river, my curious family & I "I wonder how well we'll go with our veges?" were gently rowing our way to the busy market to sell our homegrown vegetables to the massive crowd that gathered there.