Thursday, 23 April 2020

My work/Math game.

Today I had to play on a game called KS2 Math Invaders. It is a math game.

I had to push play, push addition. And push A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12 and A13.

Then I play all the levels.

That is all I did for my math today.


  1. Tēnā koe e Dayna,

    Ngā mihi nui
    Many Greetings to you

    Ka rawe, i whakamahi koe i ngā ngohe Pāngarau kei taua paetukutuku ako, ka taea hoki koe te whakamahi i ērā atu taumata kei taua paetukutuku.

    Awesome, you've had a go at the Mathematic activities on that website, you're also able to try the other levels on that website too

  2. Kia ora Dayna,
    Great that you have shared your Maths learning. Did you manage to get through all the levels?
    I know Kōkā Audrey is putting work up for you on the class site. Have you tried using any other platforms for your maths?
    Mrs Krausse


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