Thursday, 26 September 2019

My about me profile an update about it!!!

Here is an update on my about me profile!

Monday, 23 September 2019

My Speech for the finals!!!

Ko Titirangi te maunga
Ko Uewawa te awa
Ko Ngati Porou te iwi
Ko Horouta te waka
Ko Te Rawhiora te marae
Ko Waimarino taku Kura
Ko Rick Paenga taku kaiako
Ko Micky Seymour taku matua keke
Ko Samantha Taitoko taku whaea keke
Ko Ann Grey taku kuia
Ko Bolo taku matua tipuna
Ko Aaron taku papa
Ko Helena taku mama
Ko Jahred rawa ko Gabriel taku tungane 
Ko Dayna ahau

Kia ora, my name is Dayna. This speech that you're going to be encounting in about 10 seconds is about my taonga. Today my taonga is something VERY special. My first point that I am going to be mentioning about is about my family. My second point is about my pets. My third point is why I think my family is important to me. I love my family but most of them are annoying. Such as My 2 brothers, Gabriel And Jahred. But my mum is a really nice person. My mum is not that annoying but she works mostly in the mornings and mostly does chores whenever she is at home.

My dad works mostly everyday when he gets a call and works as hard as he does at as he can. My big brother probably works around in the morning and plus he is really funny and confident (and a little annoying just saying)

On the other hand there is my little brother. He’s mostly like other little brothers, annoying,cheerful,show offs,cries,nice. Well my brother is all those things. Even if we do fight I will still love him. He has a lot of population, and people who love him, including me.

Now to introduce one of my pets. My puppy!!!
My puppy doesn’t look like one, but he is a baby.
But he always gets in trouble, like for chewing up our shoes, chewing up all of our rubbish, breaking his chain and following us across the road!!!

My last pet is my cat! She is really cute. She gets into some trouble for jumping around our table, hissing and scratching you and sleeps in your bed with you. 

Now to tell you why my family is important to me. My family is important to me because they help me whenever I’m down, they make me feel welcomed, they do everything that makes me happy!!! I hope you enjoyed this speech. I hope you all have a wonderful day!!!
Thank you!

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Polyline drawing!!!

Kia ora it is me Dayna and I will be sharing my polyline learning I have been doing for the past 1 week? Anyway one of the teachers who came in is Matua Herman. He taught us how to use polyline by tracing an image or just drawing your own little drawing! Well I traced a image which I think is cute!! Here it is!